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The Best Books for Emotional Control for Women

The best books for emotional control for women how to spend singlehood

We women are emotional beings, and I would argue that it is our superpower. It makes life so fun, and men can’t get enough of this mythical world of ours. But like with all superpowers, if you don’t learn to manage it and you throw it all around uncontrollably, you can do some serious damage to yourself, your surroundings and people in it. I would like to share with you what helped me personally (apart from going to therapy, of course): the best books for emotional control for women. Emotional Education in the Early Years When you were feeling sad as a child, did your parents ever ask you why that is and what emotions you were experiencing? If your answer...

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Important Lessons Learned From Past Relationships – Part 2

Important Lessons Learned From Past Relationships – Part 2

Each person we meet, every connection we form, leaves an indelible mark, teaching us lessons about love, life, resilience, and the wants of the human heart. Our past relationships, whether sweet or bitter, long-lasting or fleeting, are invaluable chapters in the story of who we are becoming. Let me share the rest of my personal lessons learned from past relationships. Check out Part 1 of the lessons to read my lessons learned from past relationships 1-5. ...

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Important Lessons I Learned From my Past Relationships – Part 1

lessons I learned from my past relationships post banner

Each person we meet, every connection we form, leaves an indelible mark, teaching us lessons about love, life, resilience, and the wants of the human heart. Our past relationships, whether sweet or bitter, long-lasting or fleeting, are invaluable chapters in the story of who we are becoming. Let me share my personal lessons I learned from my past relationships. Stay tuned for the next week’s 5 more lessons in part 2. The Single Lady Reminders List Right after my last break up, I wrote two lists: a list of non-negotiables in my future partner (including what I don’t want from the lessons I just learned) and a list of reminders for myself for when I’m in a relationship again. To not let myself get...

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Meaning of Acting Out of Love VS Out of Fear

Post banner acting out of love meaning

[soundcloud url="" params="color=ed806f&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true&visual=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /] “Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends”. It’s a quote by Shirley MacLaine and I find it very true. If you ever found yourself acting in a way that even you cannot recognise while in a relationship, it’s most likely because you were acting from the position of fear. Acting out of love has meaning, so let's find out about it and its counterpart – acting out of fear and how to act from the position of love instead. Acting Out of Love – Meaning You have probably heard of people doing things for love and out of love, but this isn’t quite what we’re talking about here. When we take action based on...

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6 Reasons Why Negative Emotions Are Not Inherently Bad

6 Reasons Why Negative Emotions Are Not Inherently Bad

There are no inherently bad emotions. Everyone experiences emotions that society labels as negative, but one thing I fail to understand is why we are criticising them and trying to push them into the dark box of things we wish didn’t exist. Are negative emotions truly bad? Let’s find out more about it. Emotional Education In The Early Years When you were feeling sad as a child, did your parents ever ask you why that is and what emotions you were experiencing? If your answer is yes, you are very fortunate and possibly one happy adult now. Sadly, most parents don’t ask or assist their children in processing and understanding their emotions. Instead, what we usually hear is “stop being sad” or...

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What To Do If a Guy Isn’t Interested in You


[soundcloud url="" params="color=ed806f&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true&visual=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /] Dating can be a challenging and emotionally taxing process. No matter how far you’ve progressed in a relationship, rejection hurts. What if a guy isn’t interested in you? Can you get him back? Let’s dive into how to know if a guy likes you and what to do if he doesn’t. Men Are Not Foolish We ladies often assume that men are clueless about many things, and we feel the need to make them realise what they might be missing and what’s good for them. While I generally agree that we should gently show to a man what he could potentially gain from being with us and pursuing us, it’s important to remember men are not...

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10 Things Men Love in Women That Will Actually Improve Your Life

10 Things Men Love in Women That Will Actually Improve Your Life

Every individual is unique and has their own preferences. However, there are certain things that most men will appreciate, and these don’t need to be degrading to us women. Instead, they can make us feel empowered and good. Let’s dive into these qualities that men love in women, which can also enhance our lives and make us feel just right. The change is for you, not for men Have you ever wondered why women around the world face similar challenges in dating and relationships with men? It’s because biologically, men and women worldwide share similar wiring in certain ways, leading to similar behaviour, patterns, and mechanisms. We often hear what men appreciate in a woman, as if we should immediately jump in and...

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How to Start Journaling for Guaranteed Self-growth and its Benefits

How to Start Journaling for Guaranteed Self-growth

Therapy is one of the best investments you can make in yourself. It can help you initiate the resolution of certain issues and provide you with useful tools. However, there’s another excellent tool you can start using today, and it’s free – journaling. And you can take it with you everywhere! Let’s delve into why it’s a fantastic idea and how to start journaling for self-growth today. What is Journaling I’ve always wanted to keep a diary, where I describe events in my life, so that I can revisit them years later and see what was happening and when. However, journaling is more than that; it involves sharing your deep thoughts, emotions, experiences and observations with a piece of paper. Thus, a...

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How To Journal For Best Self-Growth + Prompts


We don’t receive much emotional education during our childhood and adolescence that prepares us for the depths of emotions we experience daily. All I knew was that there are positive and negative emotions, and sometimes they are overwhelming, coupled with the awareness that therapy is costly. When my emotional education began in adulthood, journaling proved to be the most valuable (and cost-effective) tool, second only to therapy. Let’s explore how to journal for self-growth. What is Journaling I’ve always wanted to keep a diary, where I describe events in my life, so that I can revisit them years later and see what was happening and when. However, journaling is more than that; it involves sharing your deep thoughts, emotions, experiences and observations...

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