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The Five Love Languages


by Gary D Chapman A renowned author, speaker, and counsellor known for his best-selling book "The Five Love Languages," which explores how understanding and expressing love in different ways can transform relationships. "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman is a transformative relationship guide that explores the concept that individuals express and receive love in distinct ways. Chapman identifies five primary love languages: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. According to Chapman, people have a predominant love language through which they feel most loved and appreciated. Through understanding these languages is essential for building and maintaining strong and fulfilling relationships. The book delves into each love language, explaining how individuals with different preferences might perceive gestures...

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Meaning of Acting Out of Love VS Out of Fear

Post banner acting out of love meaning

[soundcloud url="" params="color=ed806f&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true&visual=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /] “Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends”. It’s a quote by Shirley MacLaine and I find it very true. If you ever found yourself acting in a way that even you cannot recognise while in a relationship, it’s most likely because you were acting from the position of fear. Acting out of love has meaning, so let's find out about it and its counterpart – acting out of fear and how to act from the position of love instead. Acting Out of Love – Meaning You have probably heard of people doing things for love and out of love, but this isn’t quite what we’re talking about here. When we take action based on...

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10 Things Men Love in Women That Will Actually Improve Your Life

10 Things Men Love in Women That Will Actually Improve Your Life

Every individual is unique and has their own preferences. However, there are certain things that most men will appreciate, and these don’t need to be degrading to us women. Instead, they can make us feel empowered and good. Let’s dive into these qualities that men love in women, which can also enhance our lives and make us feel just right. The change is for you, not for men Have you ever wondered why women around the world face similar challenges in dating and relationships with men? It’s because biologically, men and women worldwide share similar wiring in certain ways, leading to similar behaviour, patterns, and mechanisms. We often hear what men appreciate in a woman, as if we should immediately jump in and...

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How to Start Journaling for Guaranteed Self-growth and its Benefits

How to Start Journaling for Guaranteed Self-growth

Therapy is one of the best investments you can make in yourself. It can help you initiate the resolution of certain issues and provide you with useful tools. However, there’s another excellent tool you can start using today, and it’s free – journaling. And you can take it with you everywhere! Let’s delve into why it’s a fantastic idea and how to start journaling for self-growth today. What is Journaling I’ve always wanted to keep a diary, where I describe events in my life, so that I can revisit them years later and see what was happening and when. However, journaling is more than that; it involves sharing your deep thoughts, emotions, experiences and observations with a piece of paper. Thus, a...

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How To Journal For Best Self-Growth + Prompts


We don’t receive much emotional education during our childhood and adolescence that prepares us for the depths of emotions we experience daily. All I knew was that there are positive and negative emotions, and sometimes they are overwhelming, coupled with the awareness that therapy is costly. When my emotional education began in adulthood, journaling proved to be the most valuable (and cost-effective) tool, second only to therapy. Let’s explore how to journal for self-growth. What is Journaling I’ve always wanted to keep a diary, where I describe events in my life, so that I can revisit them years later and see what was happening and when. However, journaling is more than that; it involves sharing your deep thoughts, emotions, experiences and observations...

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How to Not Feel Alone Ever Again and be Happy

How to Not Feel Alone Ever Again and be Happy

Feeling alone is dreadful. I’ve been there. Throughout my life, I have felt like I am alone with everything and have to have everything together without showing any weakness. I also felt lonelier in a relationship than when it ended. How did I fix it? Let’s explore how to not feel alone ever again. Finding the Root Cause When I encounter a problem or emotions that feel uncomfortable, instead of trying to eliminate them, I prefer to look deeper. Emotions are merely symptoms of something happening beneath the surface, and it’s the same with loneliness. We first need to identify the root cause and then address it, nipping it in the bud. So, why do we feel lonely? There was a period in my...

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5 ways how to know your worth as a woman

How to know your worth and value, self-confidence

We project our value to the world. We are all valuable in our own way. Society often expects specific standards, leading to feelings of inadequacy if we don’t conform to a certain norm. It can be very harmful unless we realise that our value comes from within, and it’s up to us to project it to the world. In this blog post, we’ll learn how to appreciate our inherent value and how to know your worth as a woman. Your value is inherent For us women, much of our confidence and self-worth is often tied to our appearance. A lot. Whether we like it or not, society places a heavy emphasis on youth and beauty as measures of our value, and we are...

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Why it’s amazing to be selective about a partner

How to be selective about partner as a woman

When you’re a single woman, you have numerous options for how to spend your precious time. Most of us would like to eventually find a good man, but before that happens, there is some groundwork to be done! In this post, we will explore why it’s a good idea to be selective and how to be selective about a partner in a wise way as a woman. Wired to connect We all desire connection and attachment to others. As humans, we are wired for connection and intimacy with a partner. We seek to feel wanted, loved, accepted and understood. Relationships, of all kinds, are the most significant thing in our lives, including our relationship with ourselves, our work, family, colleagues, friends, and...

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How to best spend time alone

How to best spend time alone, self-awareness and personal growth

Our time is limited and very precious. It's our most limited resource and the one we can never get back. For that reason, we need to spend it wisely and have some time to grow and improve ourselves. This is why we have to schedule some time for ourselves in solitude. Hence, in this blog post, we will find out how to best spend time alone. Why alone time is important I know plenty of people who are never alone. They’re afraid of being left with their own thoughts for too long. If you also lead a full life of group classes, TV shows, pubs, festivals and all sorts of activities with people around, that is fantastic and sounds like so much...

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Be Happily Married: Even If Your Partner Won’t Do a Thing – Book Review

Be happily married by Abby Medcalf

by Abby Medcalf A renowned psychologist and relationship expert known for her insightful advice on building healthier and happier relationships We often think that we can change somebody when we don't like something about them. Especially in our romantic partners. But do you like when someone tells you what to do? When and how to change? Would you like to be changed by someone against your will just because someone needs you to? Probably not. Relationships thrive on acceptance and this book shows you how to get there and how much power there is in taking responsibility for your own actions, emotions and happiness. This book will help you to connect or reconnect with your partner for a lasting and loving relationship where you...

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