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17 Tips How to Deal With Challenges in Life

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Life will never be simple, with only pleasurable chapters in it. How you respond to problems and life challenges matters a lot. If you approach hardships with the growth mindset, you will see challenges as opportunities to grow further and learn something new. You will build your resilience and grow stronger than ever from every setback. In this post, we explore how to deal with challenges using these tips. Thoughts vs Emotions Our thoughts and feelings are stories we tell ourselves. These stories create a narrative in our minds that we judge as good or bad. And then, emotions appear. Have you ever worried about an event or occurrence that never happened in the end, but you spent days being anxious about these...

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How to positive self-talk for a successful life

How to positive self-talk for a happier life, self acceptance, your best friend

The world throws enough judgement and tests your way, so why add more negativity to the mix? Be your own best friend and practise positive self-talk to find more calm, boost your self-confidence and find happiness. It is also a way to solve most of your problems. I know it’s a bold statement, but let’s dig in and see why. What was first? Positive dialogue with yourself creates increased self love and one cannot fully exist without the other one. Did you become happier and more confident as you started talking to yourself positively, or did your mindset change first, followed by increased happiness? According to science it’s the latter. From your mind's perspective, what you don't think about might as well not...

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